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Monday, August 9, 2010

It have been months since I touch my blog. why? cause i am lazy?? haha... now I am preparing for my semester 4 final examination, this was a tough semester as i have to take french and commercial law...HECTIC!!! okay let's summarize things up!!

  • currently I am still studying and I have another 1 1/2 year to finish my diploma

  • mostly hang out with college frens, hong seng & siew hoay + kung yim, anna and the gang, erm... i thinnk that's all??haha

  • went to Pn. Yap house warming on sat and met with all the old gangs!! proceeded to movie and photo snapping after that.. " SALT WAS A MARVELOUS MOVIE!!!"

  • having a wonderful reunion gathering with alice and michelle( anna's sweden cousins) on the whole month of July

That's all I can remember! I think brain store too much of the law sections and now is hard for me to recall things!!

1:28 AM

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My previous blog was talking about New Year, now is Chinese New Year. Although i miss the past so much, still i just can't turn the time back. Maybe i can turn the clock needle back but i just wont get what i want. Now, i am starting another chapter of my life. I wont know what will happen next, thus, i appreciate every moment i am having now. I am hurt, I am just hurt, still, I never regret. Maybe this is mine destiny.

4:27 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010

Is 2010! Another brand new year begins. Time travels so fast, I am 19 now, no longer 18. Life goes normal ever as before. Chinese new year is coming so everyone will be busy buying clothes and new things to celebrate it. Well, this year i spent my time buying new clothes with mun yee and swee ming. One thing here! they successfully influece me to buy PINK!!! they say i look good in pink and is TIME TO CHANGE MY STYLE!!! so most of my clothes were picked by them. Because of my financial problem, i don't plan to buy any shoes this year. Suprisingly, they buy me a pair of converse shoe as my birthday present in advance. I told them i PAI SEH!! and they reply " this is what we call best FRIENDS"...THANKS!!!


From the past 18 years, i learned many things. Fairy tales will never happen in everyone. Thus, appreciate things when they are still there. Cause nothing is forever even the bonding between people will fade and tarnish one day!


From the present i learned that is time to realise things. Although I don't know what the God wants, i will try to accept, change and manipulate things in my own way to achieve what i really desire!


Although i cant see the future, i will fight for my own future!


9:04 PM

Monday, November 30, 2009

Nothing special about this weekend, just went for a little exercise in the badminton court with hong seng them. The weird thing is that, 5 peoples are going but 3 cars parked at there. This shows that we are not that environmental friendly since we dont choose to car pool. Is strange that we choose to eat pizza after the game cause it doesn't serve that purpose for the game....

Just realise that nowadays i have lesser things for my blog, compared to last time, i can almost write an essay inside here. Maybe life just turns very dull as we grow older. This will lead me to have nothing to contribute to my blog. Maybe sometimes i will just leave it untouch for sometime but that doesn't mean i will quit. Because i learned that, blogging will indirectly helps me to keep my friends update about me. Take care pals.

11:45 PM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What happens to me nowadays? I am having a extremely bad luck in every aspect, mood swing all the time. Maybe i have been enjoying my life in those previous years, when problems arise, I chose to hide rather face it and try to find solution. I think what mun yee said wad true, is time to grow up!!

11:36 PM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Exam is drawing near, a bunch of course work and test need to be done before that. Actually i have no problems in business subjects just that i don't know why my brain anti IT subject. Tomorrow is my IT test and i still have the time for blog, that is because i really don't understand what they was trying to say. I have been tried to my very best to memorize them, but i will forget after reading them. God, SAVE ME!! English group discussion i around the corner too. Mostly, we will choose the topic " Environmental Problems" boring huh? What to do, the lecturer wants us to choose 3 article in the newspaper, i think this is the topic which discuss the most by newspaper.

Since there are so many work to do, i finally make my decision to forfeit the offer from popular. Although I was splashed with test and assigment, i still find out boring staying at home. I wanted to go out more often but no companion. Any here free can contact, i am free for any activities XD. Just hope that i can find something to cheer me up in those activities, i just no mood for everything. I am asking myself WHY? still, i don't the solution although i know the root cause.

7:10 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I finally reliased that memory cannot be reversed and play at the happiest moment. Things already gone is meant to be gone forever. Regret, i really regret!! I think it takes time to rejuvernate but whether can or not is still unknown. Wounds will recovered but the scar is still there. Since the memory chips in my mind cannot be reversed, i think is the time i throw to the recycle bin and keep at there.

Full bloom, the fact showing that it is good to everyside but that is only for those spetators not for the view person. In order to reach my goal, i need a target and the most important thing is follow and chase towards that. Remember, put that aside. Hope that things will be in my way, or else, i will just remained in the hole FOREVER.

12:03 AM


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